
Product description

■ Ouky Oakie T-shirt brand consistently conducts from planning/design to production in Thailand. It is characterized by its comfort, feel, design, and tough. It is sold by select shops around the world and is sold by backpackers in Bangkok, Thailand, such as JJ weekend markets. Vintage Wash Processing: This product is called acid wash, and after sewing it using an oxidized agent, it will feel faded and produce the texture of the fabric that is worn for a long time. After sewing, it has been washed to create a unique texture on each piece. Stone Wash Treatment: This is a method of washing with pumice stones and other similar stones called stone washes. The fabric is hammered by pumice stones, creating the softness of the fabric and a good texture for a comfortable fit. Round Cut Treatment: The neck, sleeves, and hem are sewn and cut to create a vintage look that is uncut. Every time you put it on, the cut area will be rounded. It also has a wide round neck that can be worn all year round. (Wide Variety of Colors) The color is made from 1, and the color may vary depending on the production date. Also, after dyeing it is done with acid wash or stone wash processing, so each piece has a different texture. The fabric uses #32 twine thread for an exceptional feel and durability. It has a vintage feel that is different from each other, giving it outstanding presence and ease of use. 32 thread count double thread count is densely woven for durability and comfort and a good texture. The neck, sleeves and hem are designed to be round with the texture of the fabric.

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